Saint-Germain des prés

Villa Medicis - Eska Kayser


Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris
Histoire de l’art à la Sorbonne
She painted the people, their chance encounter or volunteer is passionate but gradually moves away from realism - dismembered body, reduced to oval faces, she painted the expression of desire, love, violence, of derision and destruction.


Grand Prix de Rome de peinture en 1963
Prix Lefranc 1961
Othon-Friesz 1964
Du Dôme 1965
De Barbizon 1965
Hermès 1994
Ville de Thionville 1994

Exhibition and Trade Fairs:


Galerie Sculptures 1986, 1991, 1995
Galerie Etienne de Causans 1990-1995
Orangerie du Sénat 1997
Salon Saga 1992 de mai 1993-1995 , des 109 en 1995, De Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui
Mac 2000 en 1997
En Province
Nancy 1961-1963

Rouen 1970
Lacoste 1991
Toulouse 1992


Appenzell (Suisse) en 1988
Salon Linéart à Gand (Belgique) 1988, 1989, 1991

Other Achievements:

Mosaic wall mural for a school and for the Bank of France at Versailles
Stained glass for private
Co-author of the book "a painting, a child, a story" 1988, illustration of "Birth of hemoglobin Claude Debru, forthcoming book in 1997.

Where can I find Eska Kayser ?

17 rue Jules Chaplain
75006 PARIS

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